Friday, 11 November 2011

Reciprocal Links can damage your website

There was a mistake to think that reciprocal links are bad for websites. A reciprocal link is a reciprocal relationship between two objects, often between two sites that traffic is mutual. This has some truth to that, but not the whole truth. A reciprocal link can be useful if the site your link is relevant to your site, visitors and link text. You should keep in mind that the sites should be of value to all. Google takes the user experience very serious.

1) If the link does not work or has nothing to do with what your site offers, then Google is not a serious site, only the second start site in cyberspace. Google to your site, in particular, the authority that we are all website owners to get into the ranks of major search engines, search engine results and traffic growth. If your site provides valuable information that consumers looking for Google to find that this increase in traffic through the site is getting and the number of links pointing to your site.

2) If you have a lot of these "false" links to your site will be considered a spam site. This means that your page rank increase to 0, and the search engines will get you listed at the end of the results of search engines, meaning that you will be at the bottom of the food chain, where cockroaches Spider & Leeches the Internet. So let us avoid this, we must.

3) You do not want a reciprocal link to a "links page". These pages provide any sort of link value to anyone, especially not to you. Pages Link offers no significant link value, as there are hundreds of links on these types of pages, however they can not even get much traffic. If a site has been classified and black you guys share a reciprocal link, so you get your site on Google blacklist radar. At this point you on thin ice if you want to make sure the reciprocal link is of value to all.


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